Poem Idea - Children Are...

Children are intense. Children are exciting. Children are our hope for a great future. They can be influenced in so many ways. It is a delicate path to venture down without a manual or life net…The challenging part is that children do not come with either of those needed resources. What they do come with is a sense of wonder…an insightful awe…a growing curiosity of what it is like to be older.

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Poem Idea - Kindergarten

Do you remember the day when you entered the large halls of an unknown building, and your parents said, “have a good day”…”have fun at school”…”you are growing too quickly”…

Well, maybe you remember, maybe you don’t…that first day in kindergarten was important to your continued growth. That first day was important to forming many, many impressions on what would be a long or short learning career.

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