Poem Idea - Fish


Fish can be found in the seas, rivers, oceans, aquariums, and plates of this simple sphere on which we live…These beautiful creatures evoke much from their colors and actions as young children ask, “How do they breathe in there…?” The reaction, the thoughts that swirl at that moment may be the start or ending of your verse here.

The coral around the lively darting creatures allow some to blend, others to hide, and the rest to stand out prominently. Where would you fit as a fish? Do you clean up after the others? Do you provide the color commentary to the daily life of blowing bubbles? Or, do you gobble up the lonely little ones with your large, protruding teeth because it is just the natural cycle of things…Decide on your fish connection and develop the details in verse.

Remember poems are simple, but have all the power of a story in a little, tiny space. Post it here, or share elsewhere, but write and enjoy…

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