Story Review – The Voice of the Muse – Mark David Gerson

Writers in search of their muse need to explore The Voice of the Muse by Mark David Gerson. As you sit down to write, your inner voice may ask: Where have all the good stories gone? To where have the inspirations disappeared? When will you be given the words to share the story trapped inside? Ideas along our inner paths can be found with the pages of this book.

Mark David Gerson provides thoughts and direction on finding and connecting with your muse. He shares exercises on how to connect with the mysterious disembodied voice writers rely on to share their stories. He provides encouragement and meditations for beginning writers and experienced storytellers. The Guided Meditations found within many chapters will encourage your muse to breath life into your words as they make their way from your pen to the page.

The Voice of the Muse tells us to follow our Muse Stream every step of the way. When you write your first draft, follow the Muse Stream. When you revise your work, follow your Muse Stream. When you accept feedback, you guessed it, Muse Stream. Be open to change, but listen to the story that made its way onto the page. The story needed to be told…it chose you to share it with the world. Don’t let it down. Don’t let yourself down by not finding a way to write it.

Take part in the writing activities as you read The Voice of the Muse. As a reader, you may think it is a good idea to skip over those activities. Or, perhaps, you will get back to them some other time. Take the time now. The most popular day to start something whether it is a diet or a story is tomorrow. Do not count yourself in this commonality. Take advantage of the time you just gave yourself and write.

Are you intrigued enough? Are you ready to explore your Muse Stream?

Visit Mark David Gerson’s website, commit yourself to writing, and purchase:
The Voice of the Muse –

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