Poem Idea - Palm Trees


Palm trees may remind you of a more relaxing day. They may represent a simpler time. They sway with the calming breeze and settle inland to an active ocean. They are unique and different from other barked members of a related family. Depending on the coast you remember, they stand short or tall amongst the random additions of humanity to their environment.

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Poem Idea - Forest or Trees


The forest or the trees…really, choose one or the other? Writing about nature is always subjective and reflective of the perspective poet. It is a smoother setting to place other objects within the forest and things in trees, but writing about the items individually can cause one to climb braches never intended to be touched. Think of the simple beauty within…

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Poem Idea - Sun Through Trees


Sometimes, the sun is readily available and too bright for us to view it…other times, it is hidden behind the branches of closer being…Think about the emotions, look for the rays peaking through the tiny, but plentiful leaves…

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