Poem Idea - Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time for family; A time for feasting; A time for remembering the bonds that brought us together as a country. We give thanks for what we have and what we share. We give thanks for what we hope for the future and what we have built in the past. We gather together as families, large and small, to eat large quantities of turkey, mashed potatoes, and green bean casserole.

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Poem Idea - Children Are...

Children are intense. Children are exciting. Children are our hope for a great future. They can be influenced in so many ways. It is a delicate path to venture down without a manual or life net…The challenging part is that children do not come with either of those needed resources. What they do come with is a sense of wonder…an insightful awe…a growing curiosity of what it is like to be older.

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Poem Idea - Brothers, Sisters, and Memory

Your siblings invite memories of days in your past. They encourage younger experiences to be relived and re-imagined. Some of these times of remembrance are positive, some are not so warm and fuzzy. Think of one of those days where the memories are clear.

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